
Got a feature request?

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Current Version


No major changes this month, we have fixed bugs and worked on some enhancements. 😇🪲

Introducing the complete User Interface refresh of Katala with a modern and user friendly look, but also, intelligently designed to highlight encourage recording of the impact of each activity.


  • New modern theme.
  • Toggle between upcoming meetings and overdue contacts.

Activity Management

  • New activity logging workflow (designed to make logging activity quicker).
  • Use the “i” icon to turn tips off/on.
  • Extra activity types (mail out, video call). Also “Outcome” is now called “Milestone” to avoid confusion with the outcomes.
  • View/Edit activities in a more concise sidebar view.
  • Add comments to activities.
  • Outcome indicator on activity cards (highlights whether activities have made an impact on the relevant strategic priorities). 

Task Management

  1. Manage tasks in a more concise sidebar.
  2. Update progress using task status (To do, in progress etc.).
  3. Add multiple assignees to tasks.
  4. Add comments to tasks.

Details pages

  • Re-order of the Contact/Organisation/Campaign/Project information.
  • Mobile version redesign


  1. There has been a huge re-structure of the priorities behind the scenes, nothing that should be noticeable to a user. The restructure was to allow us to begin the process of refining options and predicting outcomes to speed up this process within the system.